[REL|GE2RB]Gods Eater 2:Rage Burst - Play Station 3/4 Button Mods

| Mar 21, 2018
before you start.God Eater 2:Rage Burst (and i believe even the ressurection)
does support native Play Station 4 button prompts.so if you're using a Dual Shock 4 controller
you dont need this.i made this mod for those who are using a Generic Gamepad/Dual Shock 3.

- Requirements -

Texmod (v0.9b to be exact)(include in .rar archive)
X360CE (Xbox 360 Controller Emulator - only if you're using Generic Gamepad.)
SCP Toolkit - (if you're using a Dual Shock 3 like me)

sadly..i cant find any modding tool for GE2 so this mod is using Texmod once again.


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